Khamis, 31 Disember 2009

Fasal Kedua (etika berjalan)

Gentlemen. As we have witnessed the sight of a new moon. means a new era. and a new year. we, the OUTSYDERS CLUB DE FUTBOL, wishes you blog readers a happy new year.

Isuk,Saturday ada OUTING WITH PPB. mcm biasa, rf gadong or Anywhere Else

Dota or Cs Lain Hal.

2pm or 3pm onwards.

Best wishes from,
The king Aslan,
The kapitanos, El jwan, El Boboi, El Kasanovista.
The One & only ketua kampong,
The orang minyak,
The nipplities,
The Old Man,
The Twin Towers Apep & Muiz,
The Bagang,
The Rossi Alejandro,
The Alai,
The Ben 10,
The Ghazatov,
The Camel*** alep,
The Pejro,
The W. W,
The Mesin Gol Sopiano,
The Cute One Amin,

The Wawan Joker,

' One Outsyders , Uno Outsyders, Forever Outsyders. '

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