Khamis, 25 Jun 2009

PPBOuts Jersey

Assalamualaikum. whats up my men? eseh macam bos ganya. haha ahh here i'd like to share a suggestion from both teams PPB sama Outsyders. which is..

we have our own PPBOuts Jersey! (Y)

but friends, its not confimed yet. needs persetujuan urang ramai jua. quite a lot of things pulang kan diconsider if kan buat the baju. the baju ani sebenarnya kan dipakai if ada invitation for a match. mixed, i mean nada specific team. Our great friends yang out there pun ikut sama. selagi ya pernah se batch masa form 5 2008, selagi atu tah masih part of us. recently, a few matches sudah our batch kana invite. lawan Form 5 2009 pulang ganya tu. so if tani ada baju ani, ketani dapat pakai masa the match. betantu jua usulnya. aright? just leave out your comments or any other suggestions arah the chatbox. like i said, balum lagi confirm this post is just to let you know, PPBs and Outsies about the idea. when school reopens we'll discuss more about it. just leave out comments or any other suggestions or apakah arah the chatbox. serius jangan capi2. payuk karang. eyah nadawah. hahaha bah ciao

think about it (:

"jauh dimata dekat dihati"

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